1) Periods of Time
day -enta
night -asonta
winter -ocha (sometimes used to mean year)
autumn -yannendae
spring -yayenra
summer -yayennha (also often used to mean ‘year’)
January -eskwentesa (days will become longer)
February -eskwenteskwanne (days will again be long)
March -yandawatonnen (water overflows)
April -atisyiondi ayannayoha (pickerel, it comes/runs
May -daat endayatha (one plants at that time)
June -tichiont awahiarii (strawberry, it is ripe)
July -sangwatrannens awahiarii (raspberry,it is ripe
August -onnenhondia (corn it is (newly) made)
September -awennenhichien (corn is completed)
October -atsihiendo ayannayoha (lake trout comes/runs)
November -chionhwa ayannayoha (whitefish, it comes/runs)
December -skwendiotiokwichiatha (when they (deer) form groups)
2) Relationships
onyiatenro -my friend (i.e., we 2 are friends)
onywatenro -my friends (ie., we plural are friends)
annen -my mother (included mother’s sisters)
ayisten -my father (included father’s brothers)
ayien -my child (used also by sister of mother etc)
awatennoron -my mother’s brother
ayrahak -my father’s sister
hiwhaten -my nephew (sister’s male child, male speaking)
yihwaten -my niece (sister’s female child,” “)
hechiondraka -my nephew (brother’s male child, female spkg)
yechiondraka -my niece (brother’s female child, female spkg
ayiatakhen -my brother (male spkg = we two are brothers)
-my sister (female spkg= we two are sisters)
ayironha -my sister (male spkg = we two are bro/sis)
-my brother(female spkg=we two are bro/sis)
ayiarase -my cousin (we two are cousins)
achiutaa -my maternal grandparent
atrea -my maternal grandchild
andichia -my paternal grandparent/grandchild
3) Color Terms
ondientatsi -it is called snow (‘white’)
yayenrat -it is white
akwayenrat -it is a white shoe
yatsihenstatsi -it is called charcoal (black)
hatitsihenstatsi -they are called charcoal (i.e, the Jesuits)
yaronhia iohti -sky, it is like (i.e., blue)
otiarenta iohti -squash blossom itis like (i.e, yellow)
oyenra iohti -ashes, it is like (i.e., gray)
wenta iohti -vermillion, it is like (red, purple)
enruta iohti -plants, it is like (ie., green)
osata iohti -tanning smoke it is like, (ie., brown)
black squirr~l = utayi (‘it is dark and shiny coloured’)
beaver = tsutayi (‘it is very dark and shiny coloured’)
racco.:>r. = entiron
wolf = yannaariskwa
deer = oskennonton (‘it goes to the land of the dead’)
bear = yannioyen = aratsi (more rare; but see term for December)
fawn = awir
chipmunk = ohioyen
squirrel = arusen
otter = tawindek
pig = kwiskwis
mouse = tsonniatena bat = yannrawanta
rat -kandiaronk
moose = aoskwe
caribou = enchek
caribou/cow = tsondarenta
lynx = tsoutsitsut
cougar = irech (related to the term ‘Erie’, .’is in the la}:e)
dog = yarlniennon
fox = yandatsatea
= otsinnentont.on
hare = tiotonwaechia
porcupine = ache
marten = okonchiaentonkwia
fisher = sangares (‘it is very bad-tempered’)
muskrat = tsiskwaia
whale = tsondhwanne (‘it is very large life’)
eel = tiawenronyo
catfish = tonnenwatont
trout = aweyoch
= atiawenrak
sturgeon = eraon
pike = wahk
burbot = s’anguietsia (‘it is a long tail, fin’)
lake trout = atsihiendo
whitefish = chionhwa
salmon = honnhionch pickerel = otsiyondi
loon = hwenhwen toad = tionnhonskwaen
duck = ondie (addressed as ‘achiota’ =
owl = oxo ‘my grandparent’ for role in vulture = tsawenhohi origin story)
hawk = andesonk frog = tsindestaro
eagle = sondahkwa bullfrog = wawaron
crow, raven = onrahkwanne snake = tiogentsik
blue jay = tientiena = otsihati
crane = atochingot rattlesnake = ostawenchon
goose -yahonk butterfly = tsitsontaion
partridge = okwesen spider = tichiekwan
turkey ~ ondf:tontak turtle = yandiawich
passenger pigeon = orite
tree, log = y, aronta (It is ir. the Mohawk word’ Toronto’ )
,-.. red oak = yehrohi
white elm = arakwat
cedar -askwata
white cedar = yangwata
red cedar = asu’
pine = andehta
hemlock = asatenta
birch (white) = yandatsekwa
yellow birch = achist
red map~e = askahentanne
maple = oahta
balsam fir = onnenta
basswood = ati
American beech = hachachend
black cherry = yandiskara
aspen = ondean
black ash = sakares
white ash = ache
black/red ash = andawa
apple = ,arhit
chestnut = ayehia
= ostiesarore (‘it-is covered with spines, prickles’)
forest = yarha
Other Plants
_llants = enruta
potato = ondawenda (probably generally relates to root crops) squash = onnionchia
peas = oiyakwenta
sunflower = orawen
beans = oyaresa
blueberry = ohentayet
strawberry = tichiont
raspberry = sangwatrannens
blackberry = sahies
gooseberry = oseta
s’-1mach = orawita
grapes = uchahenda
plums = atonnenst
squash blossom= otiarenta
roots = otenra
wild garlic/onions/leeks = annonk
green leaves -onnrata
dry leaves = orata
branch = yarenha
bark = yasta I’ ~ .~,- ‘.1 –
1 -skat (it is one) skarontat -one tree skaatat -one person
2 -tendi (they 2 are two) teandi -we are two
3 -achienk
4 -ndak
5 -wich
6 -wahia
7 -tsutare
8 -ahtere
9 -entron
10 -ahsen (it is ten) 80 iyarontasen? -How many tens of trees (wahta) are there? (maple) ndak iyarontasen -There are four tens of (wahta) trees.(maples)
80 iyahwentasen? -How many tens of fish (wahk) are there? (pike)
11 -ahsen skat iskare
12 -ahsen tendi teskare 16 -ahsen wahia iskare
13 -ahsen achienk iskare 17 -ahsen tsutare iskare
14 -ahsen ndak iskare 18 -ahsen ahtere iskare
15 -ahsen wich iskare 19 -ahsen entron iskare
20 -tendi tewahsen 21 -tendi tewahsen skat iskare
22 -tendi tewasen tendi teskare// tendi te kwasen -we are 20
30 -achienk iwahsen 31 -achienk iwahsen skat iskare
32 -achienk iwahsen tendi teskare// achienk ihonsen -they are30 40 -ndak iwahsen 41 -ndak iwahsen skat iskare
50 -wich iwahsen .51 -wich iwahsen skat iskare
60 -wahia iwahsen 61 -wahia iwahsen skat iskare
70 -tsutare iwahsen 71 -tsutare iwahsen skat iskare
80 -ahtere iwahsen 81 -ahtere iwahsen skat iskare
90 -entron iwahsen 91 -entron iwahsen skat iskare
100 -enniot iwahsen (standing fingers tens)
110 -enniot iwahsen skat iskwasenchare
111 -enniot iwahsen skat iskwasenchare skat iskare
120 -enniot iwahsen tendi te skwasenchrare
130 -enniot iwahsen achienk iskwasenchare
200 -tendi tewendiawe
300 -achienk atewendiawe
400 -‘ndak atewendiawe
1000- ahsen atewendiawe
80 iyaataye de yandatsatea? -How many foxes are there?
wahia iyaataye de yandatsatea -There are six foxes.
80 iyahwentaye atsihiendo? -How many lake trout are there? tsutare iyahwentaye atsihiendo -There are seven lake trout.
80 iyarontaye de ache? -How many white ash are there?
wich iyarontaye de ache. -There are five white ash
7) Corn Terms
onnenha -corn plant yandutsa -ear of corn oionkwenda -small ear of corn yaosa -corn shucks oronenda -small ear of corn ongokwa -corn stalk onnrayenhia -cob with no kernels ohwaitsa -popcorn ondista -stem of an ear of corn
oiontsenda -point of the ear of corn, not covered with kernels
oia -row of kernels
oiachia -bran of a kernel of corn
owhista -the hard shell of a kernel of flint corn oechia -skin or shell of softer corn kernels
ohera -corn stubble, non-living stalks
yangwika -cornflower
onniona -germinated seed
awenienta -non-germinated seed
uha -ground up bran of corn kernel
yandatara -cornbread
onnonhwencha -bread made from unripe corn
osewena -bread made from ripe corn
onnonkwenta -boiled bread made from corn
yaskenia -piece of cornbread
askena -cornbread crumbs
utacha -cornmeal
yataronhwia -clear cornsoup (made from cornmeal soaked in .water)
enchionk -thick cornsoup
ennhonta -cornmeal roasted in ashes
yandohwi -corn soaked in water until soft
8) miscellaneous nouns
acha -axe (or atoyen)
aenda -bow
ahaha -path
ahkwa -shoe
atenra -palisades
otsira -ClOUdS
yachia -mouth
yachiaaha -child
yachienda -name
ohonrawenta -gun
yahwenda -island (yahwendoye = Christian Island) yandatsa -pot
yandehwa -beaver pelt
era /awen -water
yandawa -river
ontara -lake
endicha -bench
ehta -field
ondia -point of land
onda -space of time, land
onnha -life
Names With Translations
Female Names
Aawendihas -She Borrowed from Her
Yentiokwenk -She Collects It in a Group
Onsaoerihen -She Is Correct, Proper
Yarakwindes -She Draws the Sunrays behind Her
Asenraye haon -She Is from the South .
Tsorihia -She Is a Small Matter
Male Names (the Jesuits recorded more of these)
Handhotonwas -He Opens Doors
Hawendutie -He Has a Sharp, Piercing Voice
Hatsenharonwas -He Wipes Off, Sweeps Off the Hearth
Honaskannha -They Desire Him
Ontaorhenche -When Day Is About to Dawn .
Horonhiatekha -He is a Burning Sky
Hotronhiatase -He Turns the Sky, Is a Turning Sky
Hwenhwen -Loon
Onnhatetaionk -One Multiplies Life, Has Multiple Lives
Handatayaias -He Eats Villages
Athohenreht -He Cried OUt Loud, Called Out Like a Bird
Ondiarayehte -One Carries a Snare Line
Atheihatha -One is Brave
Teharihoyen -.He Is a Matter Divided in Two
Hatirontha -He Draws, Attracts
Tsichiekwan -Spider
Tehachiendaye -He Has Two Names
Shondakwa -Eagle
Ondesonk -Hawk
Tsawenhohi -Vulture
Ayochitannonhwas -They, One Has Bad Feet
Yandehwatiri -It Supports, Is Supported on Beaver Pelts
Ahannenhutaha -He PLanted the Corn, Made It Stand
Aweatiri -It Is Supported by Water
Onnonruten -It Is Scalp of a Particular Nature
Sayochiayi -He Has KIlled Them
Tehor”onh iayen -He Is Suf fer i ng, enduring
Shorontohiahen -(Again) He Is Splitting the Log, Tree
Sayowahes -He Goes to Seize Them
Tehoronhionyo -He Pierces the Sky in Two Places
Ayotiokwandoron -They Form a Valuable Group (i.e., deer)
Etiayowendata -At the End of Their Words
Ehawennon -He Has Gone, Been There
Ennons -One Makes Peace
Hondawanhont -He Has Long, Hanging Hair
Tehora~ati -He Runs, Escapes from Them
Shorenhes -He Has Very Long Treetops